301 South Kennedy. Shawnee, OK 74801         Telephone:


F7 Work Activity Center relies on gifts and support from individuals, corporations and foundations.   Your gift today will provide assistance to assist an individual on their “mission to independence!”   In addition to monetary contributions, you may also provide support by shopping on-line through www.amazon.smile

Donate Online:  Make a one time gift .

Gift by Mail:   Please make checks payable to  "F7 Work Activity Center "
                      Mail to:  F7 Work Activity Center
                                   301 S. Kennedy Ave
                                   Shawnee, Oklahoma  74801

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  • Specify Faith 7 as your default charity
  • Use Amazon Smile to do your normal online Amazon shopping www.amazon.smile
  • Purchase a qualified item
  • Click the logo below to find out more.   


F7 Work Activity Center